Saturday, September 11, 2010

Dubious arguments

A dubious argument is if we have no reason to believe it is true. We use dubious arguments that will never happen or a tie that we tell for an argument. It contains plausible claims that are not true to the person. We get many dubious arguments from movies or what we read because it is make believe and will never happen. An example of a dubious claim is gunning a Delorean 88mph to go to the future, from the movie Back to the future. The claim is dubious because no car with nuclear power and hover crafting ability, cannot go to the future or past for fun. Another machine from Back to the Future is the Nikes with the technology do to everything. It can fit to your feet and air blow when it gets wet, also it talks to you confirming what to do. Its dubious because I don't think we will get this from way advances technologies.

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