Monday, November 1, 2010

Appeal to Emotion

The Appeal To Emotion is an argument which is emotional based that a premises says, roughly, you should believe to do something in a certain way. It appears to appeal other people in fear. Politicians and advertisers, use this as a scare factor to the opponent in a campaign or to manipulate people to vote or buy a product. In this election year we see many appeal to emotion in many politicians’ advertisements against their opponents. Jerry Brown released an attack video about Meg Whitman about we tried this already and it failed. An appeal to spite, the hope of revenge, is invariably rejected as bad by some people on moral grounds strikes me because we use this on people who do not like or have something against another person. For example, an appeal to spite is a lie to another person. Or if another person says something and does the opposite of what he/she tells him to do. I use it even though I hate the person. Its an act of kindness that God wants us to do. 

1 comment:

  1. I like how you referred to Jerry Brown's attack video. That is too something that I have noticed and included in my blog.It is such a compelling and effective way to describe appeal to emotion and I think many have seen the video. This is a great example of appeal to emotion. I feel that this example of appeal to emotion is a great example for swaying emotions. As you noticed, it showed in the election results. I feel that your example for appeal to spite could be a little stronger. Appeal to spite is an argument based on revenge. Try to base it off that example. But overall, great writing and great example.
