Saturday, October 23, 2010


The stawman principle of rational discussion is when you misrepresent something by putting words in other peoples mouth in an argument. It misrepresents the opposition of the other person by attacking the other persons stance to an argument. Sometimes they exaggerate the truth or misrepresent version about the proposition of meaning. We see this method when we say something wrong or has no meaning but someone picks it ups and corrects it. In the media, government officials sometimes make mistakes in interviews about a wrong statement or an unclaimed truth. So their public relations specialist always have to fix the problem especially in an election year. The etymology for strawman has not been clear where it came from. In europe strawman is called Aunt Sally. 
For example: 
  1. Person A has something to say about X
  2. Person B presents with proposition Y
  3. Person B refutes with Y
  4. Therefore X is false or incorrect


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