Saturday, October 2, 2010

Advertising The Internet

The online advertisement that I thought would have a good premises is an ad for a video game. The game is Lord of the Rings a MMORPG game playing characters from the movie. It is a free game even though some charge $30 for a annual charge. They want it free because they want the game to have a good competition to World of Warcraft. WOW has ruled the MMORPG market with 30 million subscribers and charge a fee every couple months. The  Lord Of the Rings game makes a plausible clause that they want more people to play their game. Free games make their clause that they do not have enough people to play their game to make it free. From having bad graphics, bad story mode or action is why they sell gamers to play it for free. If their game production team spent time with the problems it could compete with WOW and other games. 

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