Saturday, December 11, 2010

What I liked about the class/ what I did not

My favorite thing about this class was that we can take this class at our own pace and post the blogs anytime before the due date. Since I was booked with homework and classes, this online critical thinking was good. The blogs we had to do were pretty easy to do and I had no difficulty in doing them. My group project with my other team members was fun. Even though I did not meet with them for the first meetings in person. The last one was a good one where all worked together. We all had fun within the group. We got our stuff done efficient and good for a very good grade. 
There were a few things I did not like about this class. I took an online class in the summer and we meet with the teacher a few times. Face time with the students is important, even though it is an online class. Another was the twelve hour in between posts. If someone forgets to do it they are kind of screwed to get full credit.

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